Have you Ever wished the Yoga Studio Could Come to You?

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 Well Now It Has!


As a Master Certified Yoga Instructor, Johanna McClain has taught yoga at all levels for over 15 years. However, after a while even as an Instructor she was over the hassle of driving, parking, setting up, managing students, cleanup, and doing it all over again every 90 minutes. But she still very much loved teaching.

More importantly, she saw less and less people 50+ showing up to class. The feedback was simple: no one wants to do Yoga next to their daughter and all her friends. They want to do yoga in a private setting with their own friends.

And so it was born… Not Your Daughter’s Yoga [NYDY]™. This is NOT your daughter’s yoga class and THANK GOD!


This is a safe place where no one is pushing themselves to turn into a pretzel, no one is concerned with what they’re wearing or how it fits on them. This is a space where you can focus on reclaiming your health, peace of mind and optimal physical ability. A place to take time for yourself, focus on your breath, and focus on the slight adjustments that maximize your abilities.

We are a space where we call bullshit on women of a certain age becoming stone figures. We reserve our right to remain supple, flexible, free and mindful of our spiritual and physical beings. All in the comfort of whatever space we choose.

Whether on your phone, your computer, your ipad or streamed to your TV, your personal yoga studio is wherever YOU want it to be! Welcome to the NYDY™ Community!


 “When the Student is ready the Teacher will appear”




Johanna McClain

Owner, Founder, Master Instructor


Courtney Cruz

Digital Support Workshop Coordinator



Graphic Design



Business Coach



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